As an aid to my own research and cross-referencing projects, I have assembled several indicies to
existing reference materials. Since they have been useful to me, I figure they may be useful to
others as well.
Indicies to copyrighted works are intended not as substitutes for the underlying works, but rather to complement them by providing easily-searched tables of key text elements.
- Calendar — Table of Japanese years covering the “ukiyo-e period”
- Artist Indicies
- GUDJ Artists — Artist index to Genshoku ukiyoe daihyakka jiten 原色浮世絵大百科事典
- Keyes Yoshitoshi Students — Artist index to the "Biographies of Pupils" section of Roger Keyes' dissertation, Courage and Silence: A Study of the Life and Color Woodblock Prints of Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
- UBS — Unified artist index to Ukiyo-e bunken shiryōkan 浮世絵文献資料館
- Yamada Artists — Artist index to Survey of Woodblock Kuchie-e Prints (Mokuhan kuchi-e sōran) 木版口絵総覧
- Publisher Indicies
- GUDJ Publishers — Publisher index to Genshoku ukiyoe daihyakka jiten 原色浮世絵大百科事典
- Inoue Publisher Seals — Publisher Seal index to Kaitei zōho Kinsei shorin hanmoto sōran 改訂増補 近世書林板元總覽
- Kōki Kamigata-e Publisher Seals — Publisher Seal index to Kōki kamigata-e 後期上方絵
- Marks — Publisher index to Publishers of Japanese Woodblock Prints: A Compendium
- NDL — National Diet Library's Index of Publishers and Print Shops of Nishiki-e, Surimono, and Other Printed Materials from Bakumatsu to Meiji 国立国会図晝館所蔵 幕末・明治期 錦絵・摺物等の版元・印刷所一覧
- Yamada Publishers — Publisher index to Survey of Woodblock Kuchie-e Prints (Mokuhan kuchi-e sōran) 木版口絵総覧
- Yoshida Publishers — Publisher index to Ukiyo-e no kiso chishiki 浮世絵の基礎知識
- Carver and Printer Indicies
- GUDJ Carvers and Printers — Carver and Printer index to Genshoku ukiyoe daihyakka jiten 原色浮世絵大百科事典
- Yamada Carvers and Printers — Carver and Printer index to Survey of Woodblock Kuchie-e Prints (Mokuhan kuchi-e sōran) 木版口絵総覧
- Edo no machi — List of neighborhoods of Edo/Tokyo
- Reader — Unified index of artists, editors and publishers in the Reader Collection Guide to Japanese Woodblock Prints of Flowers and Birds
- Andon — Title and Author Index to Andon, the journal of the Society for Japanese Arts