The three volumes comprising Zenki kamigata-e 前期上方絵 (Kamigata Prints in the former period, parts 1 and 2) [1997] and Kōki kamigata-e 後期上方絵 (Kamigata Prints in the later period) [1997], establish a catalog of Kamigata theater prints in the collection of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum of Waseda University. Near the end of the last of these volumes is table of publisher seals, cross-referenced against individual prints in the catalog. Scans of most of the items in the catalog are now available online in the Waseda University Cultural Resource Database, and the following table connects the references from the published table to the online catalog.
Note: most of the referenced objects are catalogued in the "Database of Ukiyo-e", a few in the "Kyota Kyakusyoku Cho Database", and one in the "Database of shibai banzuke". However, a few of the objects appear to belong to other databases I have not yet identified; these have object numbers beginning with "ro" ロ or "i" イ.